People that need a tummy tuck may struggle to figure out how to come up with the money to pay for it. It is a luxury, after all, right? Maybe not. Studies have shown that an attractive appearance can help one find a great job. Slender, handsome and beautiful people are hired more often than job applicants that are not. It may be unfair, but obese, flabby bodies and unsightly facial features can take a person off the short Sidewall conveyor belt list for a pristine employment position. In today’s economy, every tactic to stack one’s career deck can help. Looking great can actually be an investment in one’s future. So how does a person come up with the cash to pay the cosmetic surgeon? Here are some belt tightening ideas to think about:- Price tag on a tummy tuck: The average price of an abdominoplasty can vary greatly depending on the person’s body type, the doctor, and the region of the country.

An average cost is somewhere close to $5,000 but it can be as low as $3,000 and as high as $10,000. An interested individual should make an appointment with a reputable plastic surgeon to get an estimate for their situation.- Sell the second car: If a person lives in an urban area that has adequate mass transportation, selling the second vehicle may be a great way to come up with a chunk of money to pay for plastic surgery. Not only will dollars be acquired from the sale, but extra gasoline, maintenance, repair and car insurance can be subtracted from the budget as well.- Get another part-time or freelance job: Setting a goal of saving money earned from a year of freelance could do the trick. Having an account set up at the bank just for this purpose will be helpful in maintaining self discipline. A person just needs to make $420/month extra to be able to pay the doc in one mere year.- Airline miles: Some airlines are offering their frequent fliers plastic surgeries instead of free flights.

Why fly to Tahiti with a flabby belly on frequent flier mileage when the points can be transformed into six-pack abs?- Take in a boarder: Have an extra room at the house? Rent it for one school year to a college student for $500/month and get ready to buy a new business suit in a smaller size for the job interviews and new prominent position within the company. College students are always looking for inexpensive housing as they work toward their degrees – this is a win-win solution.Limit restaurant meals to once a month: By limiting restaurant meals, not only will big bucks in cash be spared, but calorie loss from those missed mega-meals will help get a person to their ideal healthy weight. It’s important for a person to be at a healthy poundage before having this operation.A tummy tuck can be in a person’s future with a bit of belt tightening. Not only will a person’s pants size decrease, but he or she will be able to move up the career ladder with ease.